Prihoda I Premium textielkanalen in België, Frankrijk en Zwitserland

+32 (0)56 36 30 18 Contacteer ons
Comfortabel en geluidsarm koelen - warmen - ventileren met textielkanalen
Textielkanalen - gaines textiles
Comfortabel en geluidsarm koelen - warmen - ventileren met textielkanalen
Textielkanalen - Gaines textiles
Comfortabel en geluidsarm koelen - warmen - ventileren met textielkanalen
Comfortabel en geluidsarm koelen - warmen - ventileren met textielkanalen

Ontdek onze nieuwe brochure!


Onze nieuwe brochure is binnen! Lees alles over Prihoda, onze textiele luchtkanalen en diffusers, hun technische specs, de installatie van de kanalen en nog veel meer!

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Prihoda in Switzerland!

Prihoda has been an established partner in the HVAC market in Belgium and France for many years. With our innovative solutions (Prihoda textile ducts) and our well-known customer-oriented and professional approach, we have been able to realise numerous great projects.

We are excited to also roll out our approach on the Swiss market with Prihoda in 2025! We look forward to supporting the Swiss HVAC installer with customised Prihoda textile ducts and diffusers!

See you soon!

Prihoda; Comfortable and silent cooling, heating or ventilation with textile ducts and diffusers

As an HVAC expert, you know today's challenge: to optimise the indoor climate and overall well-being through perfectly homogeneous, silent and personalised air distribution. With its fabric ducts, also known as airsocks, Prihoda offers numerous solutions for both the installer and the builder: 100% comfortable, 100% customised, 100% with the best quality-price ratio.

Prihoda fabric ducts guarantee optimal and draught-free airflows, exactly where you want it! Smart temperature zones ? Even from great heights ? Anything is possible thanks to the customised laser perforations or additional air nozzles. Look up and you will see Prihoda textile ducts in office buildings, sports centres, shops, supermarkets, clean rooms, warehouses, production halls, etc.

Logo Prihoda



Each project with Prihoda fabric ducts is customised and the possibilities are almost endless. Thanks to the many fabrics, shapes, colours and accessories available, our textile air distribution ducts can be installed in almost any space. Inconspicuous or striking!


Advantages installer

Advantages for the installer

- easy to handle leight-weight fabrics

- supplied ready to assemble

- quick installation

- assistance from study to assembly (total project)

- large flow rates over short distances at low speed

- 20-year warranty

Assets building owner

Assets for the building owner

- cost-effective custom solution

- removable for regular washing

- sound-absorbing polyester fabrics

- up to 10% energy savings on heating

- 50% less flow needed for cooling

- condensation- and draught-free airflows

Healthy air, for young and old. Every project is unique.

Jouw expert, steeds dichtbij !


Prihoda HVAC heeft alles in huis om jouw constructieve en betrouwbare partner te zijn. Samen met de installateur, bouwheer en/of het studiebureau evalueren onze experts de geschikte diffusietechniek, de stromingsprofielen, bevestigingsopties en specifieke wensen rond akoestiek en aanblik. Op basis hiervan gaan onze calculatoren met de eigen Prihoda software aan de slag voor een gedetailleerde offerte met AutoCad tekeningen, CFD analyse en technische data.

Een project? Of een vraag voor Prihoda HVAC Contacteer ons nu!

Team Prihoda HVAC

Ons team van verkopers, calculatoren en installateurs zorgt voor de beste HVAC/R oplossing voor jouw business.


In België, Luxemburg, Frankrijk en Zwitserland hebben wij een volledig team van professionals voor je klaar staan. Samen met jou, zoeken we de best mogelijke oplossing voor jouw (al dan niet) specifieke probleem.


Benieuwd? We helpen je graag verder.
Contacteer ons via telefoon of mail, of ga meteen naar het online projectformulier.
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